Thursday, March 19, 2009


N. came in the shop a few months back speaking very little English and a lot of Japanese. She is on an extended stay in the states as her husband is in school. Knowing knitting basics, she decided to fill some of her time here with the craft. Jan helped her through her first cabled scarf and hooked her up with another of our regular customers which she knew spoke Japanese. R. gets to work on her Japanese while helping N. with her English and knitting.

She has become a regular at the shop and is quite proud of her first garment. She should be. It looks great on her. So great that I had trouble choosing which of the many photos I shot to include in flickr.

Connections like this are made all the time at the shop. When you get to know your customers not only can you make educated suggestions for their knitting but hook them up with other people as well. We've had people get recommendations for getting into grad school as well as find employment. Opera students have found teachers and patients have found doctors. Mothers have found babysitters and artists have found buyers. It gives me warm fuzzies when I think of all the wonderful people that have come in to my life through Linden Hills Yarn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bravo, Chris! I think anyone who hangs out at the shop realizes how lucky we are to have each other!